We did it. Thank you! Despite a campaign that ran right down the middle of the Great Recession, we am proud to inform you that we surpassed our $20 million goal! How much did we raise? For the [...]
Lucille Bachman Julia Bottemiller Betty Dollar Ellen Durovchic Walter Field Robert Keith Elizabeth Kessler Amy Maffeo ’00 Virgil Manning Larry Matheson Shirley Meagher William Mishler Ila [...]
In early March, four Clark College Bookstore employees visited Crestline Elementary School’s temporary location, which was created after the school was destroyed in a fire last year. Their [...]
Most large workplaces today have made some efforts toward encouraging diversity: a training session here, an “awareness day” there. But, as Early Childhood Education and Psychology professor Debi [...]
Clark College students who publish the print and online editions of The Independent captured two national awards at the Associated Collegiate Press 30th annual National College Journalism [...]
A handful of months after the college announced a major gift from Jane Hagelstein and a grant from a local foundation to help create a Veterans Resource Center, that center held its first public [...]
It’s been an exciting 2013-14 fall and winter for Clark College Athletics. So far this year, all of Clark’s athletic programs have advanced to the NWAACC playoffs–that’s seven for seven! In [...]
For the third consecutive time this season, the Clark College Penguin Forensics team marched straight into the final round of a debate competition. This time it was at the Northwest Junior [...]
The Clark College Board of Trustees approved the tenure of 10 probationary faculty members during a March 13 board meeting. The board and Clark’s administration are impressed with the [...]
More than 150 people gathered inside the Christensen Shipyards warehouse in Vancouver flanked by a pair of three-story-high yachts to have their DNA tested or taste hot ice cream during an [...]