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Affairs of the Art

Phoenix unveiling and Art Student Annual show the creative talents of students
Visitors took in the Art Student Annual exhibit on May 14, 2014.

Visitors took in the Art Student Annual exhibit on May 14, 2014.

The college was beaming in glorious colors on May 14 when the 2014 Phoenix was unveiled in conjunction with an opening reception and awards presentation.

Clark student Mike Shank read from his moving poem, “Small Things Cost the Most,” which earned Editors’ Choice Award for literary work in the journal. Guests visited Archer Gallery to view works by student artists, many of whom also had work published in Phoenix. Seventy-five students showed a total of 127 works in the show, in media as varied as watercolor, photography, welded metal, ceramics and video.

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Visit our Flickr albums of the unveiling of Phoenix and the art show.

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