Campaign Progress

 In Campaign
Ensuring a Bright Future Save the Date invitationWe did it. Thank you!

Despite a campaign that ran right down the middle of the Great Recession, we am proud to inform you that we surpassed our $20 million goal!

How much did we raise?

For the final number, please join us for a celebration on September 30 at Clark’s main campus. But I will give you a hint: We met campaign goals in multiple areas including early learning, dental hygiene and other health science areas, scholarships and endowments.

For 80 years, Clark has played a key role in educating and training members of our community. Through economic crises, community rebuilding and prosperous times, Clark College has been here to ensure the vibrancy of our region. The groundwork we laid over the past five years is a great start to this charge.

The Ensuring a Bright Future: Campaign for Clark College has been instrumental in bridging the challenges facing our community. The funds raised have made it possible to offer relevant and accessible education and training for people in tandem with industry workforce needs.

Raising this level of funding at Clark is unprecedented. It’s because of you. You recognize the pivotal role Clark plays in enriching Southwest Washington. Students and the region’s residents will all enjoy the fruits of our collective success for the next 80 years and beyond.

Mark your calendar for September 30 so that we can thank all those who contributed and celebrate our accomplishments.

Though the Ensuring a Bright Future: Campaign for Clark College was enormously successful, we have campaign initiatives that are unfinished. We will continue to seek support for these areas, in which there are several naming opportunities.

  • Excellence Fund for Teaching and Learning
  • Penguin Promise scholarships
  • STEM

Thank you. We’ll see you September 30 .

Campaign Progress as of June 30, 2014

Priority Funds Raised Funds to be Raised
Oliva Family Early Learning Center $1,652,986 Goal reached
Firstenburg Family Dental Hygiene Education & Care Center $2,114,831 Goal reached
Other Scholarships $9,507,688 Goal reached
Health Sciences $353,937 Goal reached
Penguin Promise Scholarship $1,523,899 $300,000 +
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) $1,749,077 Goal reached
Excellence Fund for Teaching and Learning $77,437 $920,000 +
Miscellaneous/Other $9,613,934 Goal reached
Total $26,593,789 $1,620,000 +

Note: Though we have surpassed our $20 million goal, we continue to focus on specific priorities. We ask for your leadership to raise the balance for Penguin Promise, STEM and the Excellence Fund for Teaching and Learning.

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  • Monica

    Clark College is a tremendous asset to Vancouver and SW Washington and welldeserves the community support it has received during this campaign.

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