Gibert Named to National Philanthropy Group

 In News, News Releases

Lisa Gibert 2016Lisa Gibert, president/CEO of Clark College Foundation, was recently named to a three-year term on the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) commission on philanthropy.

The commission provides counsel to CASE leadership to make certain that programs, products and services reflect current understanding and emerging trends. Additionally, the 17 members direct research related to development activities, evaluate practices and establish professional standards for the advancement profession. Commission members include senior leaders at four-year universities and foundations.

Gibert is also a member of the CASE Center for Community College Advancement Advisory Committee and served on a steering committee for the CASE Strategic Plan.

She has been involved with Clark College Foundation for nearly 20 years–first as an auditor with Moss Adams, then as the finance director and CFO, and in 2005, she was named president and CEO. She has led her team in winning multiple fundraising awards. Gibert is a stalwart member of the community, serving on boards such as the Vancouver Rotary Club Foundation. Most recently, Gibert was honored as part of the “Founding Mothers: Portraits of Progress” project.

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