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In memoriam for May 2018

Robert Atkins ’57
Dollie Beers ’37
Felix Bessler ’70
Peggy Tully Bledsoe ’49
Darrell Brandenburg ’54
Roger “Scott” Davis ’76
Raymond Haagen ’74
Virginia “Ginger” Hansen ’52
Kay Hendrickson
Joan Keene ’63

Neatha LeFevre was an occupational therapist for three decades, spending 20 of those years with the Vancouver School District helping students with autism spectrum disorders. She was involved with the Autism Society of Washington and received the 2003 Life Time Achievement Award from the society. She was also an Air Force veteran who was active in advocating locally for veteran rights for women.

Donald “Don” Merwin
Livina Mills Strain ’74
Aivin Reichenberger ’64


Mature Learning

Erica Kelley
Jerald Magee
Clare Pettigrew
Marjorie Say
Nancy Seyfrit
Jane Vogland

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