Getting to know you better

 In Campaign, News

KnowMe helps us get to know you better, so we can develop programs and practices that will be more inclusive of all our alumni who make up our diverse community.

Clark College Foundation launches KnowMe! campaign

Clark College Foundation is committed to changing the face of higher education philanthropy. We’re doing that through our ambitious diversity, equity and inclusion plan, which includes expanding the makeup of our volunteer leadership boards and staffing, as well as re-examining the very nature of the work we do to help our students and alumni meet the challenges of a complex and changing world.

Our KnowMe! effort is a critical initiative in our endeavors to better reflect our alumni, student population and overall community. It’s a simple but powerful idea that begins with getting to know you a little better, listening to your fantastic ideas, and finally, implementing them for the benefit of all our communities—not just those traditionally served in higher education.

At Clark College Foundation we believe relationships with our alumni* are lifelong. By identifying yourself and sharing important information about the community or communities you represent, we can better serve your diverse needs and those of all our alumni and students.

We call this movement the KnowMe! campaign. It consists of three phases:


Take a quick survey. The survey process for this round is now closed. Thanks to all those who participated.


Beginning in 2022, survey responders will be invited to participate in small focus groups. In these groups, we’ll talk about how Clark College Foundation, and our alumni program, can better serve all our students and alumni. Whether we discuss events and activities, messages and publications, or how to develop the next generation of alumni volunteers, our KnowMe! participants will play a key role in shaping our programs and priorities so that everyone feels represented and included.


Implement your ideas into our strategic plans and budgeting processes.

In addition to helping our students and alumni, your participation gives you a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card. Those who provide a name and contact information will be submitted into the pool for the drawings, which will occur on November 8, December 6 and February 9.*  One entry per person please.

Let’s get to know and understand each other in ways that can truly make a difference. Support the KnowMe! campaign and Clark College Foundation.

*Congratulations to Frank B., who won our third and final gift card. Previously, Harry K. and  Laurie O. each won a gift card for participating in the survey.
See a quick preview of our diversity, equity and inclusion plan

Am I an alumna/alumnus of Clark College?

*Clark College alumni are those with a prior academic relationship with the college, including graduates, nongraduates, certificate and credential holders, distance learners, lifelong learners, honorary degree recipients and honorary alumni.

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