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In memoriam April 2016

Darroll Andrew
Debra Baker

Ronald Bishop – A chief deputy with 29 years of service with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s office. Bishop received his administration of justice degree at Clark and then joined the Multnomah force. He was an excellent chef and had a penchant for history.

Robert Block
Geraldine Dukeshire
Roberta “Bobbie” Hendrickson
Robert Laughlin ’65
Max Ludvigson ’57
Daniel Mahre ’76
Albert “Corky” Mancuso
Kathleen Minks
Fred Olson
Marjory Osborn-Vincent
Robert Scott
Edwin Shobert ’52
Kathy Speakman
Kenneth Wainwright ’57
Fordena “Dena” Weber

Mature Learning

Eleanor “Nan” Baird
Patricia Friauf
Margaret Hill
Dolores Johnson
Robert Peck
Joyce Ringquist
Leona Stroup

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