Message from the Presidents
Real people, real stories
Clark College is a microcosm of our community. It is where real people come bearing tangible motivations and hoping to be supported in their pursuit of improving their lives. Our students, faculty, staff, donors,alumni and friends are real people who have visions,shortcomings and triumphs, and who in some instances make gallant efforts to redirect their course.
In this edition of Partners Magazine, you’ll find stories about people who have taken untraditional—and in some cases—hard paths that have led them to heartbreaking ends or marvelous beginnings. But throughout the voyage, their Clark experience has been a steady handrail they have leaned on and found support, time and time again.
We’re taking a new direction in the pages of this magazine and we’re doing so on purpose.The college and foundation strategic plans are aligned to provide opportunities to a diverse population of learners and philanthropic community members in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. That is why we’re going to showcase compelling stories about the people who study, work and donate here. The stories may resonate with you or make you pause. Most of all, we hope they will chronicle the various roads individuals travel.
To paraphrase “The Rainy Day” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: “Behind the clouds is the sun still shining, Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall.”
Thank you for believing in your community’s college.
Robert K. Knight
Clark College
Lisa Gibert
Clark College Foundation