From the President

 In News, Partners Magazine

Lisa Gibert 2016It’s one thing for me to say that Clark College is a leader in our community, it’s another to show you. The story, “Feeding the World” in this edition of Partners, exemplifies the caliber of students who attend Clark.

Jessica Murray ’12 is at the forefront of a possible global change in how the world’s population feeds itself, particularly those living in arid areas. She’s at Washington State University in Pullman creating a variety of breads and baked goods from a new type of wheat created by Professor Craig Morris. The wheat, called soft durum, grows well in hot, dry weather, doesn’t deteriorate from insects or pathogens and takes less energy than regular durum wheat to mill. The flour that comes from the soft durum is formed into couscous and pasta, but even more importantly is an essential staple of many diets—bread. This crop could feed millions of hungry people in hot, dry regions such as Northern Africa or the Middle East, where the common bread wheat does not grow well.

Make no mistake: Murray’s work will feed the world.

She cut her teeth at Clark, learning the fundamentals of baking in our kitchen under the tutelage of instructor Alison Dolder. Future students will receive this same high level of training in a modern culinary facility that replicates actual industry kitchens. We are currently under construction with a $10.5 million remodel. Over the next year or so, you will see a transformation of the east side of Gaiser Student Center. Once completed, a new restaurant, food court and indoor/outdoor dining area will welcome the college community as a place to gather, study and enjoy nutritious food. Moreover, we have overhauled the curricula to provide a solid understanding of the constantly changing food industry and train students to work at the pace of business. They will leave Clark paying thousands of dollars less than they would for a private culinary education.

Clark’s program will remain affordable and accessible for the region, and the only publicly funded culinary program within 120 miles.

Your support ensures that education continues to be attainable for all and for generations to come.

I am proud of Jessica Murray, like I am proud of the thousands of students who have found their passion and path at Clark. Thank you for your commitment to Clark and for your willingness to be open to the opportunities that Clark can bring to our community.

Lisa Gibert
President/CEO, Clark College Foundation


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