Promising Pathways campaign comes to a promising conclusion

 In Campaign, News

The Promising Pathways Campaign has raised $32.4 million.Promising Pathways donors are helping make extraordinary things happen.Seven years is a long time for anything, but in the case of Clark College Foundation that is the lifetime of the Promising Pathways fundraising campaign, which formally concluded on June 30, 2022. The most successful fundraising initiative in the history of Clark College, Promising Pathways raised approximately $32.4 million to support numerous programs and projects at the college including, scholarships, building projects, faculty development, equipment and several other priorities.

The campaign was supported by 5,279 unique individuals and entities, donating more than 23,000 gifts since July 2015. More than 60% of the total donors were new—that is, prior to the Promising Pathways campaign they had not contributed to Clark College Foundation.

The highlight of the campaign is the funding raised for scholarships. Originally, the foundation committed to raising $8 million to help students avoid the heavy burden of student debt. But the community’s response was tremendous with more than $16 million contributed toward scholarships, special awards and financial support for Clark College students.

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