Foundation awarded Bronze Anvil Commendation

 In Events, News, News Releases, Partners Magazine

Clark College Foundation received a 2020 PRSA Bronze Anvil award of commendation.Clark College Foundation received a distinguished 2020 Bronze Anvil Commendation from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) for the 2019 editions of Clark Partners magazine.

Clark College Foundation was recognized among other seasoned professionals at the national level who work at prestigious advertising and public relations agencies, the federal government and major corporations such as John Hancock, Hilton, Merck, the FBI, Finn Partners and Weber Shandwick.

PRSA’s Bronze Anvil Awards recognize the best of the best in public relations tactics throughout the United States, including magazines, social media, video, blogs, podcasts, annual reports, digital newsletters and websites that contribute to the success of overall programs or campaigns.

Clark Partners magazine is the foundation’s premier print publication mailed to alumni, donors and friends several times a year. The 2019 editions—for which it received the Bronze Anvil Commendation—included a “Stolen Sisters” cover story about a Clark alumnus and state legislator who championed two bills to establish a statewide database for missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.

Additionally, two other editions “Time with Tell” and “5,000 Voices: Share Your Giving Story” are part of the 2019 series. The “5,000 Voices” edition includes a companion Penguin Chats podcast that tells a story about former state senator Al Bauer through an audio experience.

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