Democracy or Dictatorship?
Prof. Carlos Castro presents Central American case study in next Faculty Speaker Series

Carlos Castro will speak on May 8 at 4 p.m. in the Ellis Dunn Community Room (GHL 213) at Clark College.
May 8, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the Ellis Dunn Community Room (GHL 213)
What makes one country develop into a democracy, and another into a dictatorship? That is the question at the heart of Clark College sociology professor Carlos Castro’s upcoming Faculty Speaker Series lecture, “Borderlines: Political and Economic Differences between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.”
Costa Rica is one of the richest countries in Central America while its neighbor, Nicaragua, is one of the poorest. Costa Rica has a liberal democratic system, while Nicaragua is more authoritarian. What led these neighboring countries to develop so differently? Castro will offer his interpretation of why two neighboring countries with strong cultural similarities can differ so dramatically.