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In Memoriam

Marjorie Badovinac
Anton Bartole
Eddie Butler ’53
Vernon Cresap
Sally Dodge ’51
Brian Femling ’95
Clifford Hale
Stewart Hazen
Albert Hernandez
Randal Hester
Arnette Hunt
Milton Libby
Jean MacKay
Dorothy McRae
Robert Padgett ’72
Gayle Pimm ’85
Thomas Roark
Randy Salisbury
Henry Schuette
Dolores Thoreson ’39
Norma Walters, former Clark College professor of psychology
Elvis Wright ’60
Patrick York ’11


Mature Learning

Joan Engel
Beatrice Grace
Don Howard
Joan Hutchison
Kathryn Kern
Jeanne Roll
Dolleen Smart
Norma Taylor


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